Monday, November 16, 2009


Well so much has happened in the last month on so many very emotional levels.
Hopefully in the next day or so I can write about each of these events and the trials and tribulations that have come along with them. I have been travelling all over the state to see our Troops and Families. I've flown to 7 different villages and towns in 3 weeks, needless to say I am exhausted.
We experienced a heartbreaking suicide in our Unit of very young and dedicated young man to the military.
We have gotten a new TAG for the state of Alaska.
We have some homecomings ! Something I know their Families have waited a long time for .
And then of course we have all sat glued to our televisions to see the horrible and devastating news unfold at Fort Hood, Tx.
I want to talk about all of these but tonight I want to talk about something else.
Tonight I was getting gas , and a young girl walked up to me. And I say girl not to be offensive but as I am almost 40 , she looked to be in her 20s , I still often say "girl". This young girl asked me for a couple of dollars, she had left her wallet at home. Now I usually am very on guard on this type of situation and had to make a quick assessment. One , she had children in her car and she was visibly upset that she had to ask for money. She kept apologizing and saying she was sorry.
Now , there are two schools of thoughts here. I was raised to give and it will come back ten fold. And so I do , often , but usually to places I know where my funds and or time is going. I rarely give money to anyone off the street because well I do not know where it is going.
So while my children sat in the car waiting to hear my response I had to make a quick , but well thought out decision. I chose to give her the money I had in my purse. My husband would be glaring at me ( the police officer in him) but I think I made the best choice.
My kids and I talked about it on the way home. And my reality was , if I lost a few dollars and it was a scam well then so be it. because really I had to go on a gut instinct and I felt like she was telling the truth.
An interesting lesson for us all tonight.