Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mongolian visit

We had two amazing Lt. Cols visiting this week from Mongolia.
What an amazing experience.
At 18 every male is required to join their military for free.... After the initial year they can volunteer to stay in or not, but at that point once they become NCO they will receive a nominal pay which is what they use to support their families in this country where the primary income is farming.

You may be asking why we have a connection to Mongolia ? The answer is they are our sister country. Each National Guard has a country they train with and help grow. Mongolia is ours.
They do have a system of support for their families during their deployments but are lacking the financial backing and info structure we have over the years grown here in America.
So while we discussed how to strengthen those areas , I was enthralled with the many incredible ideas that had as well for us. And I look forward to getting many chances to go over and help establish some programs for their Soldiers and Families.

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